James Penstone
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Posts by James Penstone
Sep 13th
What is a market?
View this slideshow to prompt discussion / thought about what the phrase ‘market’ can mean in Economics:
MS Powerpoint version of above: http://opengecko.com/resources/economics/markets/Markets.ppt
MJMFoodie introduces the concept of markets and explains the importance of the price mechanism (but does not yet explain how that actually works … that comes later ..,):
We now need to understand the structure of the market. We can say that there are different types of market which lie somewhere along a spectrum of market structures. There are two theoretical extremes to this spectrum (perfect competition and monopoly).
Again, a useful instructional video by MJMFoodie should provide guidance here:
Now see if you can apply your understanding from the above to the images in this slideshow:
MS Powerpoint version of above: http://opengecko.com/resources/economics/markets/Market%20Structure.ppt
The new ‘Think You Know’ Video?
Sep 12th
Following a theme introduced by Karl Fisch’s Think You Know video, this video produced by the New Brunswick Department of Education on 21st Century Education is professionally made, eye-catching stuff. According to the blurb on You Tube:
This video was produced by the New Brunswick Department of Education to stimulate discussion among educators and other stakeholders in public education in the province of New Brunswick. The 21st Century presents unique challenges for education worldwide. In order to keep pace with global change we must focus on 21st Century Skills and public education must adapt to keep students engaged

Scribble Maps
Sep 9th
This site is good, especially for those who have an interactive whiteboard, or for students with access to computers. A kind of DIY GIS / map sketching thing …
… just click on the x on the info panel that pops up when you arrive on the site and explore, using the drawing tool bar at the top. The fact that your scribbles on maps can be saved has all kinds of potential too: http://www.scribblemaps.com/.
The Circular Flow Of Income
Sep 9th
To view an excellent introductory animation to introduce the concept of the circular flow of income, visit this page from the excellent Macroeconomics, Manfred Gärtner, Resources For Students site. A large copy of the same flash file is here.
A couple of youtube videos should also help explain this model.
First the long one:
Source: lousycracker
And now a shorter video:
Source: BrynJonesOnline
Source: jodiecongirl – best suited to A-Level or IB students
Video: Circular Flow of Income – Macroeconomics [pajholden – best suited to A-Level or IB students]
Once you think you’ve begun to understand it, you can explore an interactive circular flow for yourself, also from the above mentioned Manfred Gärtner site. Click here.
S-Cool website gives quite a detailed explanation, best suited to A-Level or IB students here.
Twitter Updates for 2010-09-09
Sep 9th
- Incredible images of the recent earthquake at Christchurch, New Zealand – would make a good #geography case-study http://j.mp/biWiNg #
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Twitter Updates for 2010-09-08
Sep 8th
- RT @HoppingFun: @olliebray cool #Geography site: Google + Flickr mashup Click on site to see photos from there, zoom in. http://bit.ly/59xwj #
- > @worldmapper: 50 blogs for Geography geeks: http://j.mp/cgAhyl #
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Twitter Updates for 2010-09-07
Sep 7th
- Useful snapshot views of various world data sets (eg. development) some data a bit dated though. http://bit.ly/c7iLbe #Economics #Geography #
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The Economic Health Of A Country
Aug 26th
[License: Some rights reserved by juhansonin]
As we begin to explore macroeconomics, it is worth thinking about some of the key things that we will be looking at and how they apply to a real life country.
Economists agree that there are four main macroeconomic goals which most governments consider when managing their economy (and some governments, as we know, manage their economies more directly than others). The four macroeconomic goals are:
1) Growth (an increase in the country’s total output)
2) Low Unemployment (or put another way, high employment)
3) Stable General Price Level (while it is accepted that a small amount inflation is manageable, both high inflation and deflation are seen to be undesirable).
4) A Healthy Balance of Payments (for example, importing more goods and services than those that a country exports can be seen to be undesirable in the long run).
Sometimes, a fifth macroeconomic goal is added, although we should recognise that it clearly appears to be of variable importance to the different governments of the world:
5) Equity (an even distribution of wealth within the country)
There are other macroeconomic goals that are sometimes considered which you may come across in your research.
A good research task is to consider these macroeconomic goals for a country and gather data on a number of economic indicators for your country. Examples of such indicators include:
- GDP and / or GNP
- GDP per capita / and or GNP per capita
- Rates of Inflation
- Interest Rates
- Unemployment Levels
- Balance of Trade (Imports versus Exports)
- Distribution of Wealth
You could choose a country that has signed up to the OECD. What does that stand for, and why would a country want to belong to this organisation?
Look at the economic health for your chosen country over the past ten years. Gather text, images and even video links to support your findings. If you can, try to see why they changes but don’t worry about this too much – this can be complicated and we haven’t even studied the theory yet.
A great way to present your findings would be to produce a ‘glog’ or online poster. You can host your glogs at http://www.glogster.com/ and teachers can even set up accounts for their class here: http://edu.glogster.com/
Make your glog as informative as possible. Try to mix up text, images, graphs and tables and possible short video clips (from youtube for example). Remember to give a title and explain your chosen country’s membership of the OECD.
Twitter Updates for 2010-08-25
Aug 25th
- > @worldmapper: BBC trying to bring disasters into everyone's perspective with a disaster map mashup: http://howbigreally.com/ #
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