about 12 years ago - No comments
Learning From Mistakes View more PowerPoint from James Penstone I used a modified version of this for an assembly presentation at Bangkok Patana School. The message is simple, and well known, yet is still an important one to raise with students. It should be quite easy for someone else to recycle this and explain the…
about 13 years ago - No comments
A resource suitable for Key Stage 3 students (aged 11 to 14 years) studying Brazil as a topic within Geography. Introduces the climate of Amazonia, centred on Manaus, through a ‘living graph’ activity and then provides a chance to create a climate graph, with instructions, of the coastal lowlands in South East Brazil. Brazil –…
about 13 years ago - No comments
A resource suitable for Key Stage 3 students (aged 11 to 14 years) studying Brazil as a topic within Geography. The slideshow requires short video clips of Amazonia (North Brazil) and South East Brazil. I have referenced a BBC production called Brazil 2000 – Flightpaths (which is now somewhat dated), but other short video clips…
about 13 years ago - No comments
Image: Some rights reserved by kaktuslampan I submitted an article for my school’s weekly newsletter recently, published on 24th August here and it is reproduced in its entirety at the end of this post. Since writing the article, one of the websites I promoted has disappeared. As of September 5th, Google decided to shut down…
about 13 years ago - No comments
Over the past three weeks I have delivered three presentations at assemblies for Secondary students showcasing: the Zero Inbox approach to email management ways that this can be applied using Microsoft Outlook and a range of potentially useful organisational software. These tips might potentially help our students to become better organised now that we have…
about 13 years ago - No comments
Try Augmented Reality out for yourself using your computer’s web cam – details at the end of the post. This is just around the corner. According to the 2011 Horizon Report, this technology will take a further two to three years before widespread adoption, but it’s well worth getting interested in it right now. Augmented…
about 13 years ago - No comments
This is an informative presentation by Steve Wheeler (Twitter: @timbuckteeth) published to Slideshare on 15th June 2011. Wish I’d seen the original presentation. Check the key books referenced midway through – add them to the reading list. New Technologies and the Future of Learning View more presentations from Steve Wheeler Original post by Steve on…
about 14 years ago - No comments
Posterous is great. I’ve just started using it, and am very excited at the potential it holds for connecting students to online learning in a meaningful yet easy way. Image Source Lots of folk seem to be thinking similar things about this particular blogging platform, and not just educators … This has got to be…
about 14 years ago - No comments
As a teacher of Economics encouraging use of collaborative tools such as Google Docs, I am keen to find a good solution for students to (co-)create drawings they can quickly access, share and publish online. Google docs now of course has a drawing app as part of its suite of online software. This is, as…
about 14 years ago - No comments
This is potentially brilliant for schools using Google Apps for Education. A whole raft of apps have been added for administrators to cherry-pick from so that students can access these under their one school-linked google account. Highlights for me include blogger, picasa web albums, google maps and google map maker. Hat-tip to Brian and freetech4teachers…