about 12 years ago - No comments
This post includes a few useful links and one video to help you explore one of the most important elements of good photography … composition. 10 Top Photography Composition Rules by PhotographyMad 5 Elements of Composition in Photography by Digital Photography School 5 More Elements of Composition in Photography by Digital Photography School…
about 13 years ago - No comments
Relevant Syllabus Points: 3.3. Macroeconomic Models: Aggregate demand—components 3.4 Demand-side and supply-side policies: Shifts in the aggregate demand curve/demand-side policies [fiscal policy, interest rates as a tool of monetary policy] Questions: What is Aggregate Demand? What are the components of Aggregate Demand? What shape does the curve have and why? How are the axes labelled?…
about 13 years ago - No comments
Try Augmented Reality out for yourself using your computer’s web cam – details at the end of the post. This is just around the corner. According to the 2011 Horizon Report, this technology will take a further two to three years before widespread adoption, but it’s well worth getting interested in it right now. Augmented…
about 13 years ago - No comments
Posterous is great. I’ve just started using it, and am very excited at the potential it holds for connecting students to online learning in a meaningful yet easy way. Image Source Lots of folk seem to be thinking similar things about this particular blogging platform, and not just educators … This has got to be…
about 14 years ago - No comments
This video (of which there are several copies on youtube) could provoke a lot of interesting questions. Where in the world receives the most air traffic? Why? How does this reflect historical developments? Does the spread of daylight hours affect flight concentrations? Which two continents / regions are the most connected by flights? Again, why?…
about 14 years ago - No comments
The world’s most typical person is male and in terms of the mode average ethnic group, is a Chinese, Han man. His age, in terms of median average is 28. The typical face shown above is built of 190 000 photos of 28 year old ethnic Han men. But as the video tells us, he…
about 14 years ago - No comments
As a teacher of Economics encouraging use of collaborative tools such as Google Docs, I am keen to find a good solution for students to (co-)create drawings they can quickly access, share and publish online. Google docs now of course has a drawing app as part of its suite of online software. This is, as…
about 14 years ago - No comments
Just came across this video, based on what is now a widely-read summary of some key demographic and economic statistics. These statistics do need to be verified, as the opening shot states, if not for any other reason than the age of the data. This notion of the world as a village of 100 (and…
about 14 years ago - No comments
Why would a government encourage consumers to ‘buy local’? What impact would this have on the demand / supply diagram for these products? How could this be considered a form of protectionism? IB Economics: Why might a government introduce this together with certain price controls (such as a minimum price / Buffer stock programme)?
about 14 years ago - No comments
What are the 8 Millennium Development Goals? This 30 second video introduces them: This video includes a bit of a speech by Kofi Annan who was Secretary-General for the United Nations when the Millennium Development Goals which were agreed in 2000 at an important meeting (The Millennium Summit) where a number of world leaders discussed…