about 13 years ago - No comments
In the 2005 IB Economics syllabus you are required to evaluate the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank in their contributions to growth and development. In simple terms, you should know what they do, and their advantages and disadvantages. Interestingly, much of the online media out there is overtly critical…
about 13 years ago - No comments
Here are some resources to help you with this aspect of the IGCSE Economics syllabus: Via http://degreesearch.org Source: Capital Gains Tax Rate & Income Inequality Chart Via http://www.reed.co.uk Via http://www.fastcodesign.com Via http://salarytutor.com Via http://www.parkcityindependent.com Via http://www.classesandcareers.com
about 13 years ago - No comments
This post offers some resources to help learn about the key syllabus pints under section 3.2 of the 2005 IB Economics syllabus. Definitions of economic growth and economic development and Differences in the definitions of the two concepts This video excellent by Flame India includes points on limitations of using GDP to compare welfare (below)…
about 14 years ago - No comments
This video (of which there are several copies on youtube) could provoke a lot of interesting questions. Where in the world receives the most air traffic? Why? How does this reflect historical developments? Does the spread of daylight hours affect flight concentrations? Which two continents / regions are the most connected by flights? Again, why?…
about 14 years ago - No comments
The world’s most typical person is male and in terms of the mode average ethnic group, is a Chinese, Han man. His age, in terms of median average is 28. The typical face shown above is built of 190 000 photos of 28 year old ethnic Han men. But as the video tells us, he…
about 14 years ago - No comments
The full title of this section from the IGCSE syllabus is: ‘Developed and developing economies: trends in production, population and living standards’ Image: Some rights reserved by souravdas Here is what the syllabus requires of us: Candidates should be able to: • describe why some countries are classified as developed and others are not; •…
about 14 years ago - No comments
Just came across this video, based on what is now a widely-read summary of some key demographic and economic statistics. These statistics do need to be verified, as the opening shot states, if not for any other reason than the age of the data. This notion of the world as a village of 100 (and…
about 14 years ago - No comments
Why would a government encourage consumers to ‘buy local’? What impact would this have on the demand / supply diagram for these products? How could this be considered a form of protectionism? IB Economics: Why might a government introduce this together with certain price controls (such as a minimum price / Buffer stock programme)?
about 14 years ago - No comments
What is an infographic? It is a visual way of showing information (data) data so that it is easy to understand. They help to explain complicated information clearly and quickly. An infographic can be a video or a picture (like a poster). Here is a video infographic explaining the 8 Millennium Development Goals and why…
about 14 years ago - No comments
Source OurAmazingPlanet.com, Exploring the wonder and beauty of planet Earth through exclusive news, features and images.