about 13 years ago - No comments
Here are some resources to help you with this aspect of the IGCSE Economics syllabus: Via http://degreesearch.org Source: Capital Gains Tax Rate & Income Inequality Chart Via http://www.reed.co.uk Via http://www.fastcodesign.com Via http://salarytutor.com Via http://www.parkcityindependent.com Via http://www.classesandcareers.com
about 13 years ago - No comments
A resource suitable for Key Stage 3 students (aged 11 to 14 years) studying Brazil as a topic within Geography. Introduces the climate of Amazonia, centred on Manaus, through a ‘living graph’ activity and then provides a chance to create a climate graph, with instructions, of the coastal lowlands in South East Brazil. Brazil –…
about 13 years ago - No comments
Image: bbc This interactive, hosted on bbc.co.uk, is good for studies in Geography, Economics, and more. It is a quick way into the type of visual data offered by Gapminder.org The interactive dataset lets the user track a number of Asian countries as their wealth / income grows between 1960 and 2006, and compares the…
about 14 years ago - No comments
Almost all of these resources have been linked to by educators using Twitter, and should help learners to deepen their understanding of the disaster that occurred on 11th March 2011, and its aftermath. Note on reliability: These resources were collected here on 20th March 2011 and so only include information available on or before that…
about 14 years ago - No comments
The world’s most typical person is male and in terms of the mode average ethnic group, is a Chinese, Han man. His age, in terms of median average is 28. The typical face shown above is built of 190 000 photos of 28 year old ethnic Han men. But as the video tells us, he…
about 14 years ago - 1 comment
What would continental drift look like on extreme fast-forward. These video clips are partly based on science, partly imagination. The (pre)historical part of these videos are hopefully based on research by Geologists. The predictions beyond the present day can be no more than pure speculation (especially this one that envisages a pangaea (single land mass)…
about 14 years ago - No comments
Image: Some rights reserved by Aaron Villescas™ Using thorough research (referring to web sites, text book(s), and your own notes (including any notes on relevant videos you have watched)), answer the following questions: 1) What changes are taking place at the Rural Urban Fringe as a result of urbanisation? Make sure you refer to: urban…
about 14 years ago - No comments
Image: Some rights reserved by Lincolnian (Brian) Very simple introduction to the concept of settlement hierarchy: http://www.slideshare.net/RichardH/1-what-is-a-settlement-hiearchy Activity: http://www.effectiveict.co.uk/flash/training/flash19/Settlement%20hierarchy.swf http://www.geointeractive.co.uk/subsample/setthierarchy.htm Very useful for recapping site, situation, pattern, function and hierarchy: Settlement Characteristics Worksheet (from http://www.geographyalltheway.com) Recap: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography/settlement/set_charrev4.shtml http://www.geography.learnontheinternet.co.uk/topics/characteristicsofsettlements.html#function http://www.s-cool.co.uk/gcse/geography/settlements/urban-hierarchies.html
about 14 years ago - No comments
Why would a government encourage consumers to ‘buy local’? What impact would this have on the demand / supply diagram for these products? How could this be considered a form of protectionism? IB Economics: Why might a government introduce this together with certain price controls (such as a minimum price / Buffer stock programme)?
about 14 years ago - No comments
What is an infographic? It is a visual way of showing information (data) data so that it is easy to understand. They help to explain complicated information clearly and quickly. An infographic can be a video or a picture (like a poster). Here is a video infographic explaining the 8 Millennium Development Goals and why…