about 11 years ago - No comments
Source: National Geographic (Education) Watch this video. Afterwards, you need to describe the places that you have seen in the video, so watch carefully. Q. As we describe the places we see, what sort of special words can we use? We are trying to use Geography key words … Mini Norway – a Tilt Shift…
about 14 years ago - No comments
The full title of this section from the IGCSE syllabus is: ‘Developed and developing economies: trends in production, population and living standards’ Image: Some rights reserved by souravdas Here is what the syllabus requires of us: Candidates should be able to: • describe why some countries are classified as developed and others are not; •…
about 14 years ago - No comments
What is an infographic? It is a visual way of showing information (data) data so that it is easy to understand. They help to explain complicated information clearly and quickly. An infographic can be a video or a picture (like a poster). Here is a video infographic explaining the 8 Millennium Development Goals and why…
about 14 years ago - No comments
2 useful sites: World Factbook Dashboard igemoe world map
about 15 years ago - No comments
Uploaded on November 25, 2005 by mknobil Some rights reserved Create a case-study document about the crisis in Darfur using the following resources: 1) The Guardian – Photo/Audio summary of the crisis. 2) Map-based interactive GIS to show the geographic situation. 3) An organisation called ARC show some possible solutions. 4) Geographyalltheway on the Sudan…
about 15 years ago - No comments
[Source: commons.wikimedia.org Author fargomeD License GNU Free Documentation License] A population pyramid (or age sex structure) often tells a story. Detective Discussion points: What are the unusual features of the above age-sex structure? Can you suggest possible reasons? So how might this story look if we plotted the birth rates and death rates on the…
about 15 years ago - No comments
Recapping some key words … can you define the following: Birth Rate Death rate Natural Increase Natural Decrease Sec 2 – Birth Rate & Death Rate View more presentations from chua.geog. First, use the above slideshow to revise some reasons for high and low birth and death rates. You should make a table to summarise…
about 15 years ago - No comments
We are thinking about how the world’s population (and different countries / continents’ population) is changing and why. First a snap shot An excellent link to show estimated births and deaths (as well as CO2 emissions) across the planet – click on it to view in full: http://www.breathingearth.net/ How has the world population changed in…
about 15 years ago - No comments
We first need to recap our understanding of population distribution. Visit this page: Quick Population Distribution Quiz And we also need to recap our understanding of the phrase population density: Quick population Density Quiz Thanks to http://www.geography.learnontheinternet.co.uk for both of these quizzes. By the end of this section we will have developed a table to…