about 13 years ago - No comments
1) A good web page, by http://welkerswikinomics.com: The Marshall-Lerner Condition, the J-curve, and the US trade deficit 2) A useful video via the same author’s http://www.econclassroom.com: 3) A chance for you to play around with the Marshall Lerner condition yourself: http://www.eco.rug.nl/~gigengack/ge/ML_Interactive/ML_Interactive.htm
about 13 years ago - No comments
Image: Some rights reserved by Valerie Everett a) Exploring Supply and Demand by Kim Sosin – useful in that you can get feedback on the impacts on the Supply and Demand graph, shown on the right hand side of your browser. b) True/False Quiz hosted on a http://www.oup.com site. c) SELF-GRADING PRACTICE QUIZ #3 via…
about 13 years ago - No comments
This post is to add further resources on the concept of supply, for those who wish to follow up on this absolutely essential concept in Economics. First, however, I recommend you use the resources on this post to learn about supply: http://opengecko.com/economics/supply/ 1) Videos Supply by vaacon1 Creating a supply curve from a supply schedule…
about 13 years ago - No comments
This post is to add further resources on the concept of demand, for those who wish to follow up on this absolutely essential concept in Economics. First, however, I recommend you use the resources on this post to learn about demand: 1) Videos What is a demand curve? by Note – I think part of…
about 14 years ago - No comments
Introductory Videos Video: Price Elasticity of Demand – part 1 by pajholden Video: Price Elasticity of Demand – part 1 by pajholden Interactive Tutorials Economics Interactive Tutorial by Samuel Baker (Univ of Carolina) Elasticity — A Quantitative Approach by Samuel Baker (Univ of Carolina) The Market System – Part 1…
about 14 years ago - No comments
Some people have a lot of time on their hands, but we should sometimes be grateful for that … this song summing up the different elasticities is worth a listen (you never know, it might even help you revise this particular topic …)
about 14 years ago - No comments
1) Cross Price Elasticity of Demand A video from pajholden (click on the image below – this video can’t be embedded). Image: Some rights reserved by avlxyz 2) Income Elasticity of Demand A video from pajholden (click on the image below – this video can’t be embedded). Image: Some rights reserved by…
about 15 years ago - No comments
These YouTube clips help us to understand some of the ideas to do with Market Failure. Some of the ideas in the first clip are not needed for IGCSE understanding (adverse selection and moral panic). 1) General understanding of Market Failure 2) Negative Externalities Explained Note this uses Marginal Costs and Marginal Benefits curves. Marginal…
about 15 years ago - No comments
Good recap video: Good overview video: Activity: Recapping Factors Affecting Demand and Supply Econedlink Site Activity: Exploring changes in Supply and Demand Ecedweb Site Activity: How changes in Supply and/or Demand affect Market Equilibrium College Cram Site More sophisticated diagram analysis of teh same issue Whitenova Site Activity: Activity: Changes in Supply and Demand…