
Open as in wide-open for others to use and share as they wish. Open = Shared.

Open as in ‘open source software’, except I am thinking that a similar idea might be applied to education: ‘open source education’ or ‘open source learning’.

Inspired by the Creative Commons movement, as briefly outlined in this video:

A common  saying in education and other spheres: ‘why reinvent the wheel?’ And yet, painfully, so many educators do. Until quite recently quality resources were safeguarded by copyright licensing a reluctance to put our stuff out the on the internet. Thankfully that has now changed. Massively.

I have had this domain name for a few years now with this idea in mind. Recently, Dean Shareski argued persuasively that sharing our stuff as educators is not just a good idea but in his words a ‘moral imperative’:

Explore some themes associated with the idea of the word ‘open’ in education using the links to the right.