Posts tagged china

Visualise the impact of Asia’s Rapid Growth
Sep 6th
Image: bbc
This interactive, hosted on, is good for studies in Geography, Economics, and more. It is a quick way into the type of visual data offered by
The interactive dataset lets the user track a number of Asian countries as their wealth / income grows between 1960 and 2006, and compares the changes of one other key development variable – choose from Health, Education, Life Expectancy and Energy.
With it, you get to see how the sample of countries compare to both the UK and USA. Click on each country to switch them on.
Look, for example, at how South Korea’s average years of education for women aged 15-44 fares.
In graphics: Rising Asia hosted on
China’s Demographic Transition and its Population Policy
Sep 30th
[Source: Author fargomeD License GNU Free Documentation License]
A population pyramid (or age sex structure) often tells a story. Detective Discussion points:
- What are the unusual features of the above age-sex structure?
- Can you suggest possible reasons?
So how might this story look if we plotted the birth rates and death rates on the same line graph, over time – in other words China’s actual demographic transition.
Click the thumbnail below to see the graph in full (source unknown).
The extreme demographic events of 1958-1961 can be understood by viewing the following 5 minute clip:
Interested the discussion points above? Read more details at the following excellent page by
The One Child Policy
The next steps of this learning activity concerns the well-known one-child population policy first introduced in 1979. You can follow the activities on the following link from here:
Population Policies at
To gain more understanding of the impact of the population policy you can watch this ten minute video:
The main things to be aware of are:
1) Why was the policy introduced?
2) How did the policy work?
3) What were the successes of the policy?
4) What were the problems with the policy?
Some other websites can help here. As always, reference any sites you refer to.
Wikipedia on the One Child Policy on China’s One Child Policy
BBC News Article asks Has China’s one-child policy worked? on China’s One-Child Policy
Very recent news at time of writing this post:
MailOnline has an article called ‘One-child China is a success, says Labour aide Adair Turner’
Any Google search for key words china one child will reveal masses of information. Always try to be aware of bias in the websites you access.