Posts tagged maps
The World According to Facebook
Feb 24th
(Click on the image for original version).
I have only just come across this image, reported on by the BBC last December, based on a blog post by a Facebook intern. It has been produced using actual Facebook data. Each line links pairs of ‘friends’. Brighter lines indicate more ‘friends’ between two given cities.
The dark spaces, where Facebook connections are relatively absent, are as interesting to note as the bright areas where the number one social networking site has proliferated.
It calls to mind the now classic image of the Earth’s lights at night based on NASA satellite imagery, although Eastern China and Western Russia, for example, are far more luminous in that particular image …
(Click on image for original version. Source: NASA)

A Map of Major World Disaster ‘Hot Zones’
Dec 11th
This map could inspire some interesting discussion about the distribution of different major disasters. Click on it see the larger version.
Image: Stephanie Fox, original link
Google Apps Bonanza
Nov 21st
This is potentially brilliant for schools using Google Apps for Education. A whole raft of apps have been added for administrators to cherry-pick from so that students can access these under their one school-linked google account. Highlights for me include blogger, picasa web albums, google maps and google map maker.
Hat-tip to Brian and freetech4teachers quickly spotting the good news.