Posts tagged minimum price
‘Eat Local ‘ Government Advertising Domestic Produce
Nov 9th
Why would a government encourage consumers to ‘buy local’?
What impact would this have on the demand / supply diagram for these products?
How could this be considered a form of protectionism?
IB Economics: Why might a government introduce this together with certain price controls (such as a minimum price / Buffer stock programme)?
The Effects of Price Controls
Oct 5th
This section of the IB syllabus requires you to understand the following:
- Maximum price: causes and consequences
- Minimum price: causes and consequences
- Price support/buffer stock schemes
Before learning about these concepts, it is first worth being sure of the following concepts:
- Consumer Surplus
- Producer Surplus
The rest of this post gives you links to online resources to help you become an expert in these concepts. Make sure you consult your text book(s) too, to provide further understanding.
Consumer and Producer Surplus
Maximum prices and Minimum prices : causes and consequences (although you may not understand all of this yet – the bits on elasticity for example) [sections 7 and 8]
Price support/buffer stock schemes