Posts tagged monopolistic competition

Monopolistic Competition
Feb 8th
Here is the IB syllabus requirement for this sub-topic:
Monopolistic competition
• Assumptions of the model
• Short-run and long-run equilibrium
• Product differentiation
• Efficiency in monopolistic competition
From a useful introductory slide on calculating price and quantity under monopolistic competition scenario:
Which then leads to finding profit (from the same site, :
One that is earning a loss:
And one breaking even:
You can access all the resources here: Microeconomics by Dick Brunelle and Steven Reff – full credit to these industrious authors of the presentations above.
From (McConnell Brue Economics) we have a useful interactive graph to explore with appropriate questions to solve – click on the image or title below
Now some video resources:
econsteve12 has given us three parts:
pajholden provides this video: click here
richardmckenzie offers this video:
And finally here is ACDCLeadership’s 60 seconds’ worth:
Sep 13th
What is a market?
View this slideshow to prompt discussion / thought about what the phrase ‘market’ can mean in Economics:
MS Powerpoint version of above:
MJMFoodie introduces the concept of markets and explains the importance of the price mechanism (but does not yet explain how that actually works … that comes later ..,):
We now need to understand the structure of the market. We can say that there are different types of market which lie somewhere along a spectrum of market structures. There are two theoretical extremes to this spectrum (perfect competition and monopoly).
Again, a useful instructional video by MJMFoodie should provide guidance here:
Now see if you can apply your understanding from the above to the images in this slideshow:
MS Powerpoint version of above: