Posts tagged phillips curve

The Phillips Curve
Sep 14th
Be warned. This one’s quite tricky. We’ll rely heavily on the truly excellent website for this topic, but these activities will be best used following some prior learning of the Phillips Curve. I like the approach that reffonomics take, it is thorough and helps to give a good recap of general ASAD macro models. This takes things to quite an advanced level though.
First, learn about (or recap) the topic by visiting this eye-catching interactive.
Second, run through this presentation and see if you give correct answers for the short series of questions.
Third, try your hand at this quiz.
Fourth, explore how different scenarios impact on the ASAD graph and the Phillips Curve Graph here.
Fifth, try 20 multiple choice questions here. Some of them are tricky, but you’ll get instant feedback at the end.
Lastly, try your hand at some of these activities here – have a go by moving the lines and A, B and C points, and then see the suggested answers. You might not understand how to do the first one or two, but when you see their animated answers you should hopefully begin to get the hang of it.
Advanced activity:
Step 1 – download this ‘free response’ worksheet and answer using good old pencil / ruler combo.
Step 2 – check your answers against these suggested answers.