Posts tagged resource

Describing Places Using Key Words and Google Maps
Jan 12th
Source: National Geographic (Education)
Watch this video. Afterwards, you need to describe the places that you have seen in the video, so watch carefully.
Q. As we describe the places we see, what sort of special words can we use? We are trying to use Geography key words …
Mini Norway – a Tilt Shift Movie from Davide Vasta on Vimeo.
Now we will do the same for a different place …
Bird’s eye Bangkok from Pieter Manders on Vimeo.
What Geography Key Words can we use when describing places?
Putting it all together – here is how a student once applied such key words to three locations around Rayong in Thailand.
Regional Climate in Brazil
Nov 3rd
A resource suitable for Key Stage 3 students (aged 11 to 14 years) studying Brazil as a topic within Geography. Introduces the climate of Amazonia, centred on Manaus, through a ‘living graph’ activity and then provides a chance to create a climate graph, with instructions, of the coastal lowlands in South East Brazil.
Direct link to original MS Powerpoint file. (Microsoft Powerpoint 97-2003 format)
Comparing Two Regions in Brazil
Sep 16th
A resource suitable for Key Stage 3 students (aged 11 to 14 years) studying Brazil as a topic within Geography. The slideshow requires short video clips of Amazonia (North Brazil) and South East Brazil. I have referenced a BBC production called Brazil 2000 – Flightpaths (which is now somewhat dated), but other short video clips might easily be used to reflect some of the key differences between the dense coastal strip of South East Brazil and the sparse rainforest of the North.
Direct download (Microsoft Powerpoint 97-2003 format)